This culture is located between Napo river to north, and Curaray river to . This is a territory of 678.220 hectares. Their languaje is Wao terero. They is denominate “wao” that mean “the people”, in opposition to “cowode” that mean “ the not people” that are all the others peoples.
Huaorani was a village of clevers hunters and warrings. Their economy, social organization and spiritual world are the continuous adaptation to woodland environment. The wars had not conquering nature, but of reproduction of the village.
The mens are in charge of to hunt, protect to family and do armed forces for the war.
The womens to cultivate, cook, take care of childrens. The most important ceremony is “The Chonta party”. In the Marriages, the couple is push surprisingly in a hammock. They are compared with a couple of blues and golden parrots.
In the present, their production is in relation to auto-subsistence, with the chacra cultivation, hunting and fishing. Huaorani are separete in small groups, some of they are: Toñampare, Quenahueno, Tihueno, Quihuaro, Zapino, Tiguino, etc.
Huaorani has a population of 2000 persons groups in 24 communities.
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