domingo, 12 de abril de 2009


This culture is located near to Cuyabeno, in the riverside and basin of the Aguarico river. Their territory is legal for the state. Their langauaje is thepai coca”, Their ethnic name in “pai coca” isSiekóya paithat mean “people of the lined river”.

This culture come of the Western Tukano group. In the 40’s decade, many secoyas emigrated to west for to run away of the abuses of a white-skinned boss. They are stablish with a related Sionas in the Cuyabeno. Those two cultures become related by marriage. In 1900 the contact with this culture was more intense, identifing three phases:

The phase of the rubber boom until the 20’s years. The second phase was of renovation of the missionary activities starting from 1955 with Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. The third phase was cause by the petroleum boom starting from 1968.

Every members of a big family reside in a “haiwiéor Big House. This is a bog oval structure with a land ground. They have developped market activities like craftsmanships, agriculture and tourism. They maintain theirs fishing and hunting activities. When a secoya men or women turn 13 or 14 years old, they already can married.

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